GoodCompany presents is our signature event production division where we create, produce and present workshops, seminars and events for the general public that are not associated with client projects.
These events allow brands to take advantage of unique sponsorship opportunities. Join our mailing list to receive more information as we will be making announcements about what’s to come in the very near future.
Are you a new leader or an aspiring leader of color within your organization with hopes to become a member of the C-Suite? If so, the African American Leadership Speakers Series is just for you! This event series allows you to hear from some of Chicago’s most revered and well-respected corporate and civic leadership executives.
During the African American Leadership Speakers Series, African American leaders will share some of their most rewarding and riveting moments and experiences as they progressed through their careers and eventually attaining leadership roles within their respective organizations.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please call 773-290-0890 for more information or email